Why is my character controller affected by gravity when Root Motion is activated ?

Hi all,
I have a character controller on an animated character. I applied root motion on it so the animations make him move without movement script. And when I hit play, the character is affected by physics.gravity, even if I didn’t ask for it. The weirdest thing is when I disable either the character controller or the animator component or if I just uncheck root motion, gravity doesn’t apply anymore. Why ? I can’t see the explanation anywhere on the documentation.

I don’t know if it’s related, but the animator and char controller are both on the root node of the animated character.

Thanks in advance for your answers :slight_smile:

This question is already one year old but I think there are somebody annoyed with the same problem, like me.

I found out that your character was affected by physics gravity if the Animator checked “Apply Root Motion”!

Turn it off and your character controller will be affected only by your script.

I was having same issue. Go to edit > project > physics then set gravity to 0 instead of -9.8