Why is my character's pivot point so wrong? I think I've messed up...

Hi guys,

Another noob question from me. I’ve imported a range of characters as .psb file prefabs, then I unpacked them in order to animate them in a slightly older way rather than use the new bones system. So Unity created the sprite sheet for these and the sprite sheets all look good to me, and each layer itself is correct in the sprite sheet.

However, the overall characters (not their sprite components) have wildly different pivot points. In the attached image you can see the character ‘Galah’ with his overall rigidbody selected. I’ve included in the screenshot his name in the hierarchy so that you can see I have the overall character selected, not a part parented to it, and what I have for him in the inspector:

You can see the pivot point is no where near him. And for contrast, here is what it looks like when I click on one of the actual sprite parts - looks much better because I know how to use the sprite sheet to control that:

Why is my pivot point so off? It’s playing havoc with my drag and drop function that I’m trying to make on these characters.

I’ve looked back at my original .psb files and there’s no weird empty space there, nor does there seem to be a weird empty space that the sprite sheet is creating… I assume I have messed up something simple…

Thanks for any help you can give me!

you can set the pivot in the import settings of your sprites, your first image looks to have pivot = (0,0), you’ll want to set it to (0.5,0.5) to have it centered

Hey @brigas ! Can you tell me if I am doing this right? These are my sprite’s import settings. I’ve changed the pivot from ‘bottom’ to ‘centre’ and applied this and it works for all new actors being pulled onto the stage from that sprite but it does not update any actor already on the stage. Does this mean I need to delete and redo all actors on the stage or is there a way to update the ones already on the stage?

Thank you thank you thank you for your help!!

it should work on the olds after you hit apply, maybe the olds have a different sprite, click their sprite renderer source on the inspector to highlight which sprite its getting