Why is my collision saying there was zero force/friction/velocity?

I’m just starting to play around with collisions, I have two objects with RigidBodys that have frozen positions and directions being moved by transform.Translate functions, and the player-controlled object has this script on it.

void OnCollisionEnter(Collision info){
	string log = "Collider: " + info.collider.ToString() + "

Contacts: " + info.contacts.ToString() + "
frictionForce: " + info.frictionForceSum +
ImpactForce: " + info.impactForceSum + "
RelativeVelocity: " + info.relativeVelocity;


The trouble is, no matter what, that returns:

Collider: t_fort(Clone) (UnityEngine.CapsuleCollider)
Contacts: UnityEngine.ContactPoint[]
frictionForce: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
ImpactForce: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
RelativeVelocity: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
PlayerTileMovement:OnCollisionEnter(Collision) (at Assets/PlayerTileMovement.cs:34)

The zeros aren’t helpful. I’m trying to write it so that if the collision is slow and gentle enough, the objects will stick (via a different script not yet written) but if it’s too fast/violent they should bounce off each other.

Does anyone have any idea what’s going wrong here?

Rigidbodies don’t calculate physics (velocity etc.) when moved by it’s transform. Rigibodies only calculate such values when moved by funcitons such as AddForce().

Assuming you have both rigidbodies set to kinematic (what I understand by you saying they are frozen), collision events will not be sent.

I would use rigidbody.AddForce(X,Y,Z) or rigidbody.AddRelativeForce(local X, local Y, local Z) instead of translation. Unless you were avoiding forces for a particular reason?

Then yes, as Doireth says, physics data (eg rigibody.velocity) will only be calculated if physics engine functions are used. However, you could work out your collision force by recording the velocity manually: take your object’s position and then next frame compare it to the previous. On a collision, subtracting the two objects’ velocity vectors from each other should give you a simplified approximation of impact speed.