Why is my coroutine blocking the main execution thread?

I have constructed an infinite loop that is constantly calculating camera distance from specified objects.

To free up my Update method of clutter and to stop and resume the loop on a whim without completely disabling my game object, I am doing this in a coroutine.

Because of this, my entire Unity runtime seems to stall when the coroutine is started. Is this really being treated as a blocking call even after the first and only yield command?

void Start () {
  if (_cam == null) {
     _cam = MainCamera.instance.GetGameObject();
     _calculateCameraRange = StartCoroutine("CalculateCameraRange");
     Debug.Log("Object started");

void OnEnable () {
  _calculateCameraRange = StartCoroutine("CalculateCameraRange");

void OnDisable () {

private Coroutine _calculateCameraRange;
IEnumerator CalculateCameraRange () {

  yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f);

  for (;;) {
     if (Vector3.Distance(_cam.transform.position, gameObject.transform.position) > _distanceThreashold) {

        /// Actions to take when camera is out of range.

        _isInRange = false;
        if (_isCoolingDown) continue;

        foreach (var o in _holoPanelList) {


     } else {
        _isInRange = true;
        if (_isCoolingDown) continue;

        /// Actions to take when camera is in range.

        foreach (var o in _holoPanelList) {

        if (_flashInjuryAlert != null) StopCoroutine(_flashInjuryAlert);


  yield return null;

Hi, you need to put the yield return null statement inside the for loop.

But i recomend that you do all your camera calculations on the Lateupdate method.