why is my damn scene so dark using HDRP

alright im really sick of this im making a game and I was having problems with the shadows which HDRP fixed but then It made the scene really dark so I used sky and fog volume which was working until I decided to open the damn project settings and now its dark as hell and I can’t use the sky and fog volume trick again and I really want to throw my computer against a wall why the hell is this thing so f’ing broken

Screenshot, please, also ensure that lighting is baked. “Dark shadows” usually is a sign that you forgot to bake the lighting.

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thanks ill get some screen shots if my computer finally lets me

also ive tried baking the lighting it just looks ugly and its the lighting that’s dark

Just press Printscreen and shove it into paint.

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sry im on a Mac

here ya go

7876225–1001425–why.pdf (1.53 MB)

here ya go

7876225–1001425–why.pdf (1.53 MB)

Press command+shift+3 then. I’m not opening some random PDF.


Give up now, it’s only going to get worse.

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ha ha ha ha I can promise u I aint trying to hack ur computer and I finally managed to get it working anyways I had to go to the wizard and fix it all and it finally works sry I troubled u

wow u sound like a very optimistic guy shut it im an 11 year old who’s been coding for about 2 years so please I dont need ur awful advice

You won’t get far with that attitude.


[quote=“Murgilod, post:9, topic: 871055, username:Murgilod”]
Press command+shift+3 then. I’m not opening some random PDF.

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Don’t be rude to people, otherwise they’ll stop helping you.

Plenty of folks here were in the industry longer than you’ve been alive.

If you dislike someone, use ignore list.


To make shadows brighter, check ambient light and reflection probe settings in your scene. You still need to bake the lighting for the game to update the ambient reflection probe for the first time.

Alternatively see what contributes to ambient light. Because areas in the shadow is ambient light.

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HDRP isn’t for the “just wing it” folks. You will rarely get pleasant results if you just mindlessly turning the knobs and pulling the levers. It is physically based lighting system, it is a good idea if you have a clue how lighting works in the real world and in cameras.


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he he I never give up with the wing it technique and it usually works but thanks for the video my dude

ye I know but I mean dont tell a child to give up on there dreams

Listen to your elders, kid. This is the last moment to escape from game development and chance to have a good life.