Why is my Dictionary value null when it's a float and set beforehand?

So, I’m really curious about this issue. My Dictionary is set on Start, and never is anything removed. However, when I release my ‘Jump’ Key, line 39 sometimes throws an error - where I try to increase the float value in the dictionary. Unity tells me that the Value is null. I don’t even know how a float can be null.

Can anyone help me?

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class InputManager : MonoBehaviour {

    public delegate void InputPressed();
    public static event InputPressed LeftPressed;
    public static event InputPressed RightPressed;
    public static event InputPressed JumpPressed;

    private static Dictionary<InputPressed, float> eventAndTimeSinceLastPress = new Dictionary<InputPressed, float>();

    private void Start()
        eventAndTimeSinceLastPress.Add(LeftPressed, 0);
        eventAndTimeSinceLastPress.Add(RightPressed, 0);
        eventAndTimeSinceLastPress.Add(JumpPressed, 0);

    private void Update()
        HandleInput(LeftPressed, KeyCode.LeftArrow);
        HandleInput(RightPressed, KeyCode.RightArrow);
        HandleInput(JumpPressed, KeyCode.UpArrow);

    void HandleInput(InputPressed i_event, KeyCode i_key)
        if (Input.GetKey(i_key))
            if (i_event == null) { return; }
            eventAndTimeSinceLastPress[i_event] = 0;
            eventAndTimeSinceLastPress[i_event] += Time.deltaTime;

It is typically not a great idea to use event instances as keys. Their values can change dependent on how you use them. Assigning and unassigning can change the value, thus changing the key.

		public delegate void InputPressed();
		public static event InputPressed LeftPressed;

		private void Awake()
			Debug.Log(LeftPressed); // Null
			LeftPressed += LeftPressedReceiver;
			Debug.Log(LeftPressed); // InputManager.InputPressed
			LeftPressed -= LeftPressedReceiver;
			Debug.Log(LeftPressed); // Null

I’m not 100% sure how the internal comparison function works for these types of multicast delegates, but you might want to use another key that is guaranteed to not change. Like the KeyCode’s that you are using.