My graphics emulation setting which you can set from menu "Edit > Graphics Emulation" is always forced to reset to "Generic OpenGL ES1.1"?
Can I use default setting to set "Generic OpenGL ES2.0" ?
I've checked some GLES2.0 program work well on my PC.
My environment is
Unity Pro 3.3.0f4
Android Advanced
Intel Core i3
NVIDIA Quadro NVS 295
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
public class Watchtower
static Watchtower()
EditorApplication.ExecuteMenuItem(“Edit/Graphics Emulation/No Emulation”);
I missed the “Setting for Android” on Unity.
I do set Graphics Level to OpenGL ES 2.0, then the setting is not reset.
That is "File > Build Settings > Player Settings > (MoveToInspectorWindow) > Per-Platform Settings > Setting for Android > Other Settings > Configuration > Graphics Level "
Here is another one for automatically setting the Graphics Emulation to WebGL 2.0:
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
public class EditorGraphicsEmulationOnStart
static EditorGraphicsEmulationOnStart()
EditorApplication.delayCall = () =>
EditorApplication.ExecuteMenuItem("Edit/Graphics Emulation/WebGL 2.0");