I am checking to see if “My Game Object” has a Rigidbody. It does not. But the conditional for the null check on Rigidbody fails, despite having just been proven null.
Why is this happening? How can I make my condition block run?
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class NullChecker : MonoBehaviour
void Start()
GameObject go = GameObject.Find("My Game Object");
public void CheckIfNull<ComponentType>(GameObject gameObject)
ComponentType component = gameObject.GetComponent<ComponentType>();
Debug.Log("Component is " + component); //"Component is null"
if (component == null)
Debug.Log("Inside null check"); //Never prints
Debug.Log("Finished null check"); //Does print
Because your generic type “ComponentType” is not Unity-nullable, as it can pass non-nullable types (you can pass a struct, which is a non-nullable type).
You need to change
public void CheckIfNull<ComponentType>(GameObject gameObject)
public void CheckIfNull<ComponentType>(GameObject gameObject) where ComponentType : Component
If you want you generic to allow non-nullable type, you can do this
if (component == null) // Doesn't work
if (component.GetType() == typeof(ComponentType)) // Works
Hope this helps !
[Edit:] Since you are testing for a component, you should use this syntax:
public void CheckIfNull<ComponentType>(GameObject gameObject) where ComponentType : Component
Otherwise, you could pass any type, even something which is not a component, like an int.
CheckIfNull<int>(go); // the compiler won't warn, it will result in an ArgumentException
You will be able to pass MonoBehaviours too, as they derive from Component.