Why is my Skinned mesh not 1 draw call? (It has been UV mapped and is using one material)

How can I make the character only have one draw call? At the moment it takes up 19 draw calls - one for each part of the model.

As the title says, it's only one UV mapped texture so why is it not one draw call?

Thanks in advance for any help you can give.

Unity forums thread on same issue; http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/88790-Why-is-my-Skinned-mesh-not-1-draw-call-(It-has-been-UV-mapped-and-has-one-material)?p=573897#post573897

SubMeshes won't batch, even though they have the same material. (This is only the case with SkinnedMeshRenderers, not MeshRenderers.)