I have a texture I made with Photoshop. It has a nice gradient, grey to white, as shown below:
For some reason, when I import it to Unity, the whole gradient is lost and I get this:
I tried to change Filter Mode, compression, Max Size but nothing changes. I still lose that gradient.
I went back to Photoshop to check the image is 16bit RGB (not 8bit) and it is.
Why am I not getting that gradient shown in Unity?
Have you recently built your application for Android, iPhone, etc? If so, try building for whatever OS you’re using on the computer and then check your textures in the editor. No need to run the executable it built. You can just delete it.
It sounds like you’re having the same problem as me.
It turned out that if you go to Import Override settings for each platform, you can choose a higher quality format (like 32-bit), which solved my gradient problem.
To find the texture import overrides for each platform, click on the little icons representing Android, iOS & other platforms, near the “Default” button, just above the Apply button (can’t add a screenshot for some reason)