Hi, I’ve create a test scene demonstrating a problem I’m having.
There are 3 strips of textured planes that go in a line forwards away from the camera. The problem is that the planes disappear after only a short distance and I don’t want them to. If you move forward (press W) you’ll see previously invisible textured planes appearing as you approach them.
Wnow what is making these planes disappear? Is it something obvious? I’ve made one strip of planes larger which reduces the problem but that’s not a solution.
These planes are meant to be shadows underneath a football. Press fire and you’ll see how I want to use them. I don’t want to use blob shadows as I want to target ios and keep everything lean. Am I doing it right?!
This is what I did :
- Created a custom 1x1 (two triangle) plane using this script
- Created a transparent shadow image in photoshop and imported it into Unity
- Created a material with Transparent/Diffuse shader and gave it the texture
- Created a prefab from the 1x1 plan with the material
- When you kick the ball the shadow game follows with a fixed Y so it stays on the floor