Why is my trigger colliding with another trigger?

I have a game object that is set to trigger (for increasing score). I have another object parented to my player for destroying obstacles after they go out of screen. But I don’t know why my score object is colliding with the second object. Only my player has the script to destroy the score object. None of the other two have any scripts?? Any idea why this is happening. This is my first game after Brackeys Tutorial

Colliders on child game objects count as colliders on the parent object unless they have their own rigidbody. So a script on your parent object will be triggered by any children colliders as well. If you don’t want the child to trigger the parent’s script, you can either give it a rigidbody or set it to a layer that won’t interact with the layer your score object is on.

@kylecat6330 Thanks for your concern. The small sphere object is supposed to increase my score by 100 when the player collides with it. It works fine. But it is increasing the score even when the destroyer (in the image) collides with it. The destroyer is parented to player but it doesn’t have any script. The player object has a collision script that’s supposed to detect collisions.