Why is NetworkManager.Singleton.LocalTime not synced better?

If I do

float t = NetworkManager.Singleton.LocalTime.TimeAsFloat;

in the Update function of a NetworkBehaviour why is t not synced at least to the tickrate or fps?

I get (on same device, two clients):

i.e. about 0.18 seconds (or 180 ms). Shouldn’t this be more like 10 ms?

Any help would be appreciated.

(I am using tickrate 120, and getting fps 140)

One of the client is running as Host. Could this be why?
If so, is there a time that is synced between all clients, including host?

Nevermind – using ServerTime fixes this.

You are aware that this generates four times as much traffic as the default 30Hz? Just raising awareness that this isn‘t just a CPU issue and hardly any networked game needs to tick that fast.