Why is no XRInputSubsystem registered?


when installing our custom XR Device backend we register Subsystems similar to e.g. ARCore or ARKit but when entering PlayMode in editor I get the following warning

I’m not sure why the XRInputSubsystem is missing and/or how to properly register it (this warning was introduced when upgrading to ARFoundation 4.x)

Yesterday I tried finding a solution for it by registering a custom Input Descriptor but I could not implement the class because of this internal abstract method:

I’m not even sure if this would be the correct solution so maybe someone could point me in the right direction. Maybe you can help @joejo ? I just submitted a project for repro, will add the Case # here shortly


Case 1268913

Hello, any help would be greatly appreciated

I’m running into this as well- did you find a workaround @marwi ?

Not yet unfortunately - looks like the only way to register a XRInputSubsystem is via native code atm :frowning: