Why is Revit being given another scale


I’m trying to comprehend why my Revit model is being rescaled with a factor of 304.8 when it is imported. I can understand why it is being rotated to match the xyz system of Unity.

But I would expect the scale to be 1 instead of 304.8.

Maybe your file as been saved with “foot” instead of “meter” ? so it’s converting with this value as scale.

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I hadn’t made that connection yet. One of my files is froma a foreign party (so might be in foot), but the other is local and I’m sure we use the metric system here.

Perhaps Revit works with feet internally? :slight_smile:

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!

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FYI: This also seems to be different behavior compared to v2 of the Pixyz plugin.

Could be an improvment on the Pixyz SDK side. Something that wasn’t supported correctly on revit file and now is.
If it something that you want to avoid, you can play with the scale factor in your importer setting to counter the one applyed by the file format.
Or you can use a custom rule set with a “Set Transform” action.