Why is specular color 1-color on URP, but not in HDRP/BiRP?

Specular color in specular workflow is inverted in URP and has been since the LWRP days. Why?

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Either I didn’t understand your point, or I didn’t set things up properly, but from what I see the workflow is the same in all pipelines:
8476382--1126685--Specular BI.gif
8476382--1126679--Specular URP.gif
8476382--1126682--Specular HDRP2.gif

(Sorry for low quality gifs :/)

8476382--1126685--Specular BI.gif

  • Switch workflow to specular
  • Set albedo to 1
  • Set Specular color to green
  • Create material
  • Purple cube (1-specularColor)

Seems like maybe an unclamped lerp has a t of -1?

@Remy_Unity was closed as by design when I reported it.

Ah indeed, in URP I get purple depending on the viewpoint and albedo : 8477039--1126814--upload_2022-9-29_17-38-22.png

Doesn’t seems like something that should happen, but I don’t have all the informations. I’ll try to poke around internally, do you maybe still have the bug case ID ?

Possibly - been a few years since I reported it, and as a UAS developer I have thousands of things in the system (every asset store release, etc).

I found a corresponding issue : Unity Issue Tracker - [URP] Specular Color behavior does not match Legacy or HDRP
It is marked as fixed since 2022.2.0a8, I quickly tested and can confirm it is fixed in the 2022.2 release stream now.
I’ll see what can be done to backport it.


perhaps someone in Unity should open a PR to the document team, so they document the difference

from what it looks like it’s never going to get fixed ?
see UUM-6959: Disable auto GI mode in URP sample scene by giorgospetkakis · Pull Request #7687 · Unity-Technologies/Graphics · GitHub

I don’t see how the attached link is related.

I did create an internal ticket to backport the fix, it should be pretty quick to do imho and I think it will be tackled soon.

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