I am having a problem implementing a prefab for playing-cards for a 2D game. I’ve been looking online for a solution for some time now but can’t find one.
My problem:
I created a card Prefab that contains a sprite and TMP Text GOs on a canvas (world space [Main Camera]) as a child of the sprite.
Card (Empty GameObject) → CardBody (Sprite)
→ Canvas (Canvas) → TMP Text x3
Using the prefab works fine. The text appears in front of the card sprite. Now, when I stack several prefab cards I expected to only see the elements of the top card, as the card below are… well, below the topmost card. However when multiple cards are overlapping, the text of all cards is on top of all sprites.
I made sure every object is in Z position 0
I tried playing around with the canvas settings and sorting layers
I tried modifying the prefab hierarchy
but with no success.
Is there a way to have all contents of a prefab be on one layerso that an instance of that prefab (including all of its children) can be on top of a second instance?
Or in other words, how do I achieve that all elements of a prefab respect the prefabs parent layer?