Why is the enemy turret not staying on the floor (FPS Microgame)?

I have been trying to improve my skills by making a game with the FPS microgame. When I try to place a turret and I playtest the turret is always in the same place under the floor no matter how high up I put it. Any ideas on how to fix this would be very helpful!

Are you trying to place the turrets with the help of scripts or in inspector?

  • Check the colliders(if any on the turrets) maybe they’re messing the placement up. If there are any, try exluding the layer(s) of the turrets from the ground collider.
  • If you are working with prefabs, check the position of the prefab itself. Go through the gameObjects included inside that prefab.
  • Sometimes, constraints are applied in the Rigidbody or Transform components. Check if there are any constraints on the turret’s position.

I think I may have found the problem, which is that the Navmesh is not in the same spot as the floor and is under it. My question now is how do I move the Navmesh or how do I insert a new one if that is not possible. Thank you for your help!

After doing a bit more research, I have found the component that implements the Navmesh into the floor (Navmesh Surface) and how to implement it. Thank you for your assistance!

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Glad to be of help :smiley: