When I do a search in the hierarchy… the scene viewports turn gray.
Why is this? I don’t understand the value of the viewports turning gray.
When I do a search in the hierarchy… the scene viewports turn gray.
Why is this? I don’t understand the value of the viewports turning gray.
I found a solution. Edit > Preferences > Scene View > Enable filtering while searching.
Just toggle that off and it will be the normal view when you search.
Thanks for this info!
Is there a way to turn OFF the graying of the viewport behaviour or control it’s graying values?
Just seems like a lot of clicks to select an object and get the viewports back to normal.
Thanks again.
Sorry for necroing this, but…is it possible? It’s actually counter productive in some scenarios. Maybe I just want to not deal with all other objects within hierarchy while I’m working with a target set. Specifically colliders, they’re basically invisible due to the hue difference. Asides this, I can’t actually see where I’m placing them…
All Object that dont match your search term turn gray. The rest stays the way there are. So you can visualy search for objects.