Why is this forum littered with the string $$anonymous$$ where the string ‘hi’ appears in posts…?
Why is this forum littered with the string $$anonymous$$ where the string ‘hi’ appears in posts…?
Let me pave the way for others to come in and explain fully why Unity Answers has problems.
Must have been inside job:smile:
This forum isn’t littered with them. Unity Answers is its own thing using a different system. A system that they no longer want to support but were unable to turn off thanks to community backlash. It’s a miracle it’s working at all.
This was driving me insane also, so I built this Userscript (in Chrome it’s installed using Tampermonkey):
// ==UserScript==
// @name Fix Unity Answers
// @namespace http://cypherfox.com/
// @version 0.1
// @description Just clean up the Unity Answers pages to fix $anonymous$ replacing 'hi' everywhere.
// @author Cyberfox
// @match https://answers.unity.com/*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace(/\$\$anonymous\$\$/g, "hi");
That seems to fix it, and make those pages usable again.
Ah, thanks for your Answers. Shame it’s a bit of a mess with some politics involved. I’m glad they didn’t take it offline as I often end up here from a Google Search!
Love your trick Cypherfox!
Please note that it took @Cypherfox 5 minutes to come up with that fix yet Unity, a multi million dollar company, has yet to pull their finger out and do anything about it.
It beggars belief that they can’t take an hour out of the web teams time to make it read-only, fix the bugs and put it in archive mode.
In fact, I find Unity’s stance to the state of Unity Answers quite pathetic. It borders on childish behaviour.
The situation where a tiny problem stays broken for years is actually not that unusual for “multi million dollar company”.
There’s a tiny glitch in Visual Studio that annoys me to no end and would probably take two lines of code to fix.
It existed for at least 5 years, but possibly has been around for 18.
It has been reported by several people and has been dismissed every time. Neither VSCode nor MonoDevelop has this problem.
So here’s a multi-million dollar corporation for you.
A tiny formatting bug is a far sight different to something that makes entire pages unreadable if they contain a common two letter string. Hell, it’s used 26 times in this thread alone.
To say nothing of how recently comments stopped loading at all. Plenty of important information was contained in those.
Maybe it’s to do with the anonymous cult following. Did you check YouTube for a conspiracy?
Oh yeah man for sure, that’s gotta be it.
That “tiny formatting bug” existed for over a decade and renders the product unusable for me. It is a deal breaker level problem, because it interferes with coding every time you write a curly brace. Which makes it comparable with that “anonymous” nonsense.
The thing is a “big multi million company” will usually focus on features that “affects a lot of users”, meaning an issue like that will never be addressed and can remain unsolved for a millennium, easily. Or several.
Another thing is that “focusing on things that affect a lot of people” can in theory lead to loss of userbase. Because while you address a minor issue that affects 50%, a major issue for 10% can cause that 10% to leave. Repeat that process enough times, and there will be nobody left.
Geeze, if people keep chewing their cud about the Answers debacle here on the completely separate Forum, there’ll be more $$anonymous$$ chaff on the Forum than on Answers.
T$$anonymous$$s really isn’t t$$anonymous$$s ac$$anonymous$$ngly huge problem compared to $$anonymous$$ replacing all instances of $$anonymous$$ and I t$$anonymous$$nk you know that. W$$anonymous$$le it’s somewhat annoying, what you’re describing is a $$anonymous$$ccup that should, at most, elicit a slight w$$anonymous$$ne compared to somet$$anonymous$$ng that $$anonymous$$jacks two letters and replaces then with a string long enough that it can’t be easily parsed at all.
What I’m trying to say is that t$$anonymous$$s ain’t it, c$$anonymous$$ef.
Chewing their cud from the ruminant stomach.
That’s hilarious
I think there are four dollar signs for a reason. So maybe it’s just the nature of capitalism. You know how American business can be. But now I am writing the conspiracy! Yeah I totally think it’s connected to anonymous the profiteer clan.
I genuinely can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or if you’re out of your mind.
oh no I assure I am indeed out of my mind
This is why companies like Unity hire people like you. They hire you to bleat on about how it’s ok and avoid the issue and make it sound like it’s a normal thing, that others are doing it and that nothing should be done about it and everything is fine. Then it remains an issue for 10 years.
You see though 10 years is a way longer amount of time than the 1 hour it would take to fix it but that’s ok isn’t it and Unity should leave it because other companies do the same.
What the hell.
At the moment, you’re arguing against something I never said and getting angry because of it. Take a cold shower then train reading comprehension.
That formatting problem that looks tiny and insignificant to you, is order of magnitude more annoying to me than your text, which I can read just fine due to have plenty of experience reading poorly translated gibberish.
Also, like Amon, you’re arguing against something I did not say, but you imagined.
Technically, if you give a damn about unity community continuing to exist, you’re supposed to care about atmosphere you both create. Because having helpful community with plenty of helpful people with technical expertise used to be one of the unity’s strengths.
The community finally got in line with the company policy on how Unity’s strengths should be treated.