I mean why not? Most other forums have them. Let me know if you think this is a good idea.
There is. You’re posting in it.
There was a post some time ago where UT said this is a forum for Unity and the DONT want an off-topic section. All they tend to do is lead to trolling/flame wars.
@shaderop this is not off-topic, if a post isn’t at least vaguely related to Unity/Games Development it will be removed. The level to which this is enforced fluctuates.
EDIT: Here’s one link saying so:
Personally that summary seems pretty perfect to me
You mean there could be a UE4 topic section?
They can’t afford the extra server space…maybe
This is as off-topic as it gets, while keeping it somewhat Unity/Gamedev related.
I agree it shouldn’t be a super strict rule… sometimes you want to talk about indirectly related subjects, such as Oculus Rift, and indie gamedev in general… but I’m pretty sure it isn’t super-strict, but of course it is not desired many people post completely unrelated subjects.
If you want a forum completely unrelated to Unity… then why does it need to be among Unity forums?
i always considered the gossip section to be that. but i guess now that i think about it, its not really. oh well.
Because offtopic quickly degenerates into a politics flame, religion vs atheism, ps4 vs xbox, heated opinions about usa’s war on terrorism, etc.
There are plenty of other forums where you can talk about these, I’d rather keep these out from the Unity forums.
Exactly why I come down on too much rampant engine x discussion where it doesn’t involve unity. If it’s reasonably on topic like discussing if unity will have ue4 feature xyz then that’s fine. But just bigging up UE4 on it’s own is OT and will mostly likely get thrown in the bin.
Exactly! There’s thousands of forums to talk about nonsense and flame to your heart’s content. There’s also 2 dedicated skype groups and an IRC for unity should people want to hang out with friends.
I for one enjoy a politics free forum which focuses on a product I am using. As always there’s common sense and enough wiggle room in these rules for people to still have a laugh. Things only get enforced if it seems common sense to do so (we’ll know it’s gone too far when we see it).
What he said.
This is a professional forum, not a game-forum which depends on forum-ads for their revenue.
There are hundreds of forums on the internet for posting drivel and other non-Unity or non-game industry related content.
Take your pick
What @Meltdown said.