Why is this not working?

I’m trying to detect the position of the player, and if the position is equal to a certain value, the player will teleport (to the next level). This is my code:

    public class Portal : MonoBehaviour {
public float num1 = -4.896353;
public float num2 = 1.298981;
public float num3 = -17.98553;

// Use this for initialization
void Start () {


// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {

	if(gameObject.transform.position==new Vector3(num1, num2, num3)){


(My copying and pasting is bad - all the syntax/indentation is correct)

The error I receive when trying to run this code is that I cannot convert to double to float. Please help!

float values need to be followed by f or F

 public float num1 = -4.896353F;   // <- Notice the "F"
 public float num2 = 1.298981F;
 public float num3 = -17.98553F;

Without the f/F, the compiler will treat numeric values as doubles.
Doubles are like floats, but are 2x larger and more precise.

You should never compare float values with a == operand, it’s a really common issue and the compiler might be warning you about it if you read the console. Your code compares Vector3s, which in the end compares 3 floats value with other 3 float values.

You should compare if the values are close enough for what you want to do. Something like:

if(Vector3.Distance(transform.position,new Vector3(num1, num2, num3)) < 0.1f) { //0.1 is just an example

For more info on why this happens, read this: Comparing Floating Point Numbers