Can any one please tell me
Why is volunteering important?
Can any one please tell me
Why is volunteering important?
What do you mean, in general? Like Volunteering for the Peace Corps and stuff? Or Volunteering doing what?
Are you looking for reasons why people should help you realize your dream project without paying them?
That’s what I was thinking too lol.
If you can’t think of any reason, why should anyone else?
If you can’t think of any reason, why should anyone else?
I just can’t think of any reason Volunteering has anything to do with Game Development outside of make my game for free with me please lol. But in General there’s lots of reasons - Save people, help people, help the environment. But Game Deving? I can’t think of anything outside of either a beginner learning (for experience) or hey make my game for me why I tell you what I want done lol…
Okay helping people is a completely different story, but I thought we’re talking about game development. When it comes to deving, I can’t think of many good reasons to volunteer.
Okay helping people is a completely different story, but I thought we’re talking about game development. When it comes to deving, I can’t think of many good reasons to volunteer.
I am sure there are cases where volunteering in game development could make sense. In this forum, I haven’t seen useful volunteer work requests in this forum so far.
Unfortunately, the original poster hasn’t mentioned the precise meaning yet.
Volunteering is important. Sure… it does help people which is nice and all, but more importantly it gets you out of the office doing fun things. Twice this year, I have taught kids to draw, and last week, I helped build a park.
As others have stated a good reason is to help people. There are far more important ways to help people volunteering than spending time working on their game projects.
The other side of volunteering is to help yourself. Given a scenario of a number of candidates the one who says “I’ll volunteer for a week or two to prove my worth” definitely stands above the pack. A lot of people simply won’t do it and/or are afraid to offer it.
Twice in my life I got a job simply because being confident in my abilities I said “hey why don’t you just let me come in and work with you all on my own time? I’ll pick up any details I need to know and I will get to work producing results for you. If at the end of a week you don’t like the progress I’ve made I’ll be out of your hair no hard feelings.”
If you are really good and / or learn quickly volunteering can open doors to opportunities that might not normally be available to you. Basically you are saying I am confident in myself and I am willing to take on a lot of the risk here for you so you don’t have to carry it all.
I suggest you go in less heavy with you first post here, and refrain from giant bold text.