Why isn't gameObeject.GetComponent<Text>(); working?

This is what I was suggested to use to display text from code (so that it could change according to a variable) onto a per-existing GUI text Object, it just doesn’t seem to be working?

I just added the Text object as a data member to my code and dropped it in.


you’re getting a null reference exception at the bottom… what is that referring to?

Solved Thank you

Do you mind sharing what was the problem and how you solved it?

I used this instead
2104326--137888--Screenshot (15).png

You must access to the GameObject first, have a reference to an GameObject.

i have the same issue and need help to fix it this is my script:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class Souls : MonoBehaviour

public static int SoulCount;
public GameObject SoulDisplay;
public int InternalSoul;

void Update ()
InternalSoul = SoulCount;
SoulDisplay.GetComponent().text = "Souls: " + InternalSoul;


if anyone could help it would be great