I have a 3D model that was made in Blender. I wanted to have a sort of polygon collider like in 2D and I saw that the mesh collider is what I was looking for. I put the mesh collider on my model, checked convex, checked inflate mesh, and set the skin width to 1. Now have a player that can look and move around. It also has a mesh collider, but it is a capsule with the same settings. The capsule collides with the floor, but not with the model. I’m thinking that you need a mesh for the mesh collider to work, but what mesh do I use for my model? Again it was made in Blender. Thanks in advance.
Are you using a mesh collider on your character? If so it has to be convex too. If you aren’t then you should add a mesh collider on and make the mesh to a capsule.