I’ve tried many things and worked on this for a couple of days. Nothing in other threads seems to work, from here or elsewhere. The mesh collider doesn’t automatically set its own mesh. However, when I add the mesh in, it seems to be really small and centered on one of the feet. I don’t understand what’s happening. Can someone help me?
Mesh collider:
What happens when I try and run it with the body mesh added:
Plane box collider:
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
Figured it out. I think it’s dumb that it works like this, but whatever. It works now.
I realized that the mesh renderer wasn’t on the main object, but on the child object “body”. Therefore I reasoned that, for whatever dumb reason, it just didn’t want to load the mesh from the child. So I tried it. Instead of setting it for the parent, I had to set the mesh collider under the child. It for some reason then decided that the “body” mesh worked fine and it would make the mesh. So whatever. As long as it works!