Why isn't the Delete event being called?

I am currently working on an interface editor, where I want to generate some code upon copy-pasting, duplicating and deleting. I got the copy-paste and duplicate working like this:

Event e = Event.current;
if (e.commandName == "Paste" || e.commandName == "Duplicate")
    pasted = true;
else if (e.commandName == "Delete")
    GameObject selected = Selection.activeGameObject;
    Screen screen = selected.GetComponentInParent<Screen>();
    if (screen != null)

The weird thing is. The “Delete” never occurs. Why isn’t the e.commandName == “Delete” when deleting a gameObject?

More code:

public class CopyPasteHandler : UnityEditor.EditorWindow
    private static bool pasted = false;

    /// <summary>
    /// Assigns our needed delegates
    /// </summary>
    static CopyPasteHandler()
        EditorApplication.hierarchyWindowItemOnGUI += OnGUI;
        SceneView.onSceneGUIDelegate += OnSceneView;

    Event e = Event.current;
    if (e.commandName == "Paste" || e.commandName == "Duplicate")
        pasted = true;
    else if (e.commandName == "Delete")
        GameObject selected = Selection.activeGameObject;
        Screen screen = selected.GetComponentInParent<Screen>();
        if (screen != null)

The CommandName is not Delete but is SoftDelete as on Unity 5.2.1.

So you need to test for

 else if (e.commandName == "SoftDelete")