Right Now I am using Unity 3.5.2f2 but latest version is 3.5.6f4 . I wants to update my unity but problem is that when we go for check for updates there is only download button . what it means I need to download complete unity software again then replace it with older one. why it is not possible to updates older unity software with new updates rather than completely download software again again?
Not having the quote ready on call but try to deliver the message:
“We came to conclusion that the fairly high amount of time for developing patches and branching is better invested in bugfixing and new features.”
He said it’d be great, he didn’t say it could be done.
Unity have decided to do it this way because they’d prefer to put time into improving other things than saving some bandwidth.
Additionally, upgrades of an engine or tool pipeline shouldn’t be taken lightly, as they’re always a risk to your project. With Unity it might be a relatively low risk, but it’s a risk all the same, and should be treated accordingly. They’re something you should explicitly decide to do, not something which your software should quietly trivialise by reducing it to a dialog box.
No, he didn’t, he said hypothetically it would be great if we could update via patching (which is true, it would be much better). We can’t, though - the only way to update is to download the entire 500+ MB file every time.
edit: beaten!
I disagree, however, with the assertion that downloading patches reduces the implied risk of updating, while instead forcing all users to download the entire asset library upon every minor change. Incremental patching is something that is almost a given for most professional projects these days.
But hey, I ain’t paying Unity’s bandwidth bill
True, downloading the assets every time is a bit silly for those of us who don’t use them. It’d actually be great if they were a separate optional download.
I dont know honestly, I downloaded this a year ago then my PC got corrupted, then I just got it back and had to download the new update that sucks… not use to using the newer unity.
I am not completely agree with your thoughts. Unity is not a single software which is popular one there are so many software in the world which is using everyday like eclipse. need to updates only. this is problem in unity which should be solved ASAP.
Yeah sure, but Eclipse is an IDE, not an engine, and upgrading Eclipse doesn’t potentially cause changes to your source files. Changing your IDE shouldn’t kill your project, but a change in engine and pipeline can. People around here have lost work because of exactly that before - they updated Unity without backing up a project, something went wrong in the project upgrade process, and work was lost as a result.
Personally I am using unity from last 6 months. form that time to till now I already updates 6 times starting from 3.5.0 now 3.5.6 . I don’t know from when you are using it but I am sure you are also little bit frustrate form this problem . unity must take any step to solve this.
Why update so much? Just cause there is an update doesnt mean you need to downlload it. I only update 1 or 2 times a year based on the changes in the update.
Patches would be nice, but not a need and I prefer they focus on where they have a workflow setup. I prefer a better product more then quicker updating functionality.
Because this is 2012 and we have never heard of this mysterious “delta-update” thing !!!
This “delta update” is some futuristic technology far beyond the comprehension of human intelligence! It will take several human evolutions to be able to even grasp the basic concept of “delta update”.
BTW achingupta87… I suppose you never have the pleasure of getting iOS SDK update?
From an SDE’s perspective, as a such big tool, Unity can still run fast, so I guess it’s written in C++ and when it comes to performance-modularity trade off, modularity is sacrificed so it’s hard to have patch updates. But whatever the cause, I still hope it iterates more slowly or has smaller update fill. Really inefficient to download a several GB file every time. (It’s already 2015 and software development has come a long way.