Why my button doesn´t work?

I´m getting started to making videogames and i have an issue, I have a pause button that worked perfectly inside a ui document. Then I decided to create a winning screen, like when a player reaches 5 points he wins, but i did it in another ui document that is on top of it and i disable and enable it when someone wins. That´s when it stopped working, i thought that it was that my second ui document was forbiddening me to click that button, but i tried almost everything to disable it in every way i found and it still doesn´t work.
Please, help me with this problem.

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It’s really difficult to read your post without formatting and screenshots, but try read this topic: Unity UI Button OnClick() Not Working. Normal solutions havent solved

As you’re mentioning UI document, it sounds like you’re using UI toolkit. How are you disabling and enabling the second overlay? Via the UI Document component?

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