Hi there, this is my restart button code
function Start()
if (C1.Collided == true && C2.Collided == true)
return false;
function OnMouseDown ()
And this is my collider script for C1 ( C2 just change the object_1 to object_2)
static var Collided = false;
function OnTriggerEnter (col : Collider)
if(col.name == "Object_1")
Collided = true;
print ("Hit Object_1");
function OnTriggerExit (col : Collider)
if (col.name == "Object_1")
Collided = false;
print ("Object_1 Left");
After i pressed restart button, my scene will jump back to level 1 but after that my game just win straight away, i already set my bool to false in restart button script but why it still just win the game straight away? how can i fix this problem?