why my object not moving with along platform mover

hi friends .im using platform mover in my game .my problem is the object not moving along with the mover .why?

th platform move has :
script is:

var targetA : GameObject;
var targetB : GameObject;

var speed : float = 0.1;

function FixedUpdate ()
var weight = Mathf.Cos(Time.time * speed * 2 * Mathf.PI) * 0.5 + 0.5; transform.position = targetA.transform.position * weight + targetB.transform.position * (1-weight);

AND MY object has
attached rigid body
.so i need to move my object alog with mover pls help me regarding this type.

thanks in advance
i have attached inage for reference

if you are trying to lift the rigidbody attached object in air its really tough to do that. instead remove the rigidbody function while lifting by mouse and attached rigidbody when the object fall down.

no i want to make the platform left and right not up and down

you can Parent it;
for example , put a trigger on top of the platform which detect the character;
and OnTriggerEnter of the character , set the character parent to this platform;

something near to this;
sorry if there is any wrong spelling , i have written it with no compiler;
