I am trying to build a road creating the vertices from script. The position of the object is 0,0,0 but as the character move I delete the last two triangles an build 2 new one at the beginning of the road. After a while the camera just stops rendering the road meanwhile the mesh is in front of the camera. (Note that the gameobject containing the MeshFilter stays at 0,0,0 I think this may has something to do with the problem.)
I attached a screenshot which might be help to understand the problem. In the screenshot the road object is selected and when I can see the center then the road is visible and when I cant then it just disappears.
Are you calling RecalculateBounds() occasionally? Perhaps the object is being culled because it’s bounds are not within the camera?
Alternatively you could have a look at this question, If you scroll down to my most recent comment I have attached a project where I procedurally create a tunnel in such a way that it is always at (or very close to) the world origin. You could adapt the idea for your use!