Why not showing up

I want to make a script in c# for showing up, and hiding cursor while using esc. I made it, it’s hiding at first use, but don’t want to show up again.Why is that?

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Cursor : MonoBehaviour
			void start()
				Screen.showCursor = false;

	void Update()
				if ((Input.GetKeyUp (KeyCode.Escape)) && (Screen.showCursor=false))
				Screen.showCursor = true;

				if ((Input.GetKeyUp (KeyCode.Escape)) && (Screen.showCursor=true))
					Screen.showCursor = false;

Besides the fact you’re missing an equals (inside “if” you have to use “==” and not “=” else the compiler will assign the value and not check), anyway a better code will be (also take care of letter-case for the functions, it’s “Start” and not “start”):

void Start () 
	Screen.showCursor = false;

public void Update () 
	if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Escape))
		Screen.showCursor = !Screen.showCursor;

It works now, thank you very much! :slight_smile: