Why object are not saved in Scene editor ?


I don’t understand why my dumb example bellow doesn’t work.
It works well but when I close Unity, the property value is reset. Anyone could help me ?

My custom class :

	public class MyCustomClass : MonoBehaviour{
		public object obj = false;		

My custom editor:

[CustomEditor(typeof(MyCustomClass), true)]	
	public class testeditor : Editor{
		private MyCustomClass _myClass;
		public void OnEnable () {
			this._myClass = (MyCustomClass) target;

		public override void OnInspectorGUI () {
			//Undo.RecordObject(this._myClass, "MyClasse change"); => Why it doesn't work ? 
			this._myClass.obj = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Selected", (bool)this._myClass.obj);

			if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck ()) {
				// I use this because Undo.RecordObject() doesn't work

Ok I found the problem.
This is because, object properties are not serializable by unity editor. Even with [SerializeField] attribut.
For the solution see there : Unity system.object serialization. - Questions & Answers - Unity Discussions