Why player gets elevated when game starts?

Hello to who ever can help

I have player that has dynamic rigidbody. every time I start the game in unity, player gets elevated for about 0.015 up. It makes player looks floating in the air.

Can anyone help?

Thank you!

It would help if you would share more information about your project - or a screenshot, etc. Just making a guess, it sounds like your collider might be bigger than your mesh and the collider could be colliding with the ground.

If your collider is a capsule collider, maybe center or feets has a little down of your feets. Try replace capsule collider to Box collider and make sure is just on line with Terrain collider.

Is your character humanoid and has Animator with root? On your idle animation setting imports, try to set Root Transform Position (Y) based upon ( feet )

if both questions are not, return to previous ansewr :wink: