Why Static?

I’m curious as to why the unity folks decided to make the occlusion object flag named “static”. It can get very confusing since there is already a commonly used definition for static in coding terms. I was talking to someone about a project and it took us quite a while to realize we were referring to different definitions for static.

occlusion object != unique object

Well, they used the Physics definition for a static object, that is, one that does not move. I think that is perfectly acceptable. You just have to know what context you’re talking about, the code keyword or a physical object.

I guess “stationary” might be clearer. Still, it’s really hard to name things; overall the Unity names/API/etc are great more often than not.

“Static geometry” is a common term used across game industry.

It has nothing to do with programming languages giving physically incorrect meanings to the word “static” :slight_smile: Static never meant unique. Dictionary.com says:

stat⋅ic [stat-ik]
–adjective Also, stat⋅i⋅cal.

  1. pertaining to or characterized by a fixed or stationary condition.
  2. showing little or no change: a static concept; a static relationship.
  3. lacking movement, development, or vitality: The novel was marred by static characterizations, especially in its central figures.
  4. Sociology. referring to a condition of social life bound by tradition.
  5. Electricity. pertaining to or noting static electricity.
  6. noting or pertaining to atmospheric electricity interfering with radar, radio, the sending and receiving of wireless messages, etc.
  7. Physics. acting by mere weight without producing motion: static pressure.
  8. Economics. pertaining to fixed relations, or different combinations of fixed quantities: static population.

I think for programming they use definition #2 loosely, so even that is correct, but as can be seen there are 8 definitions of “static”, both are correct for Unity. It is up to the user to understand the context they are working in.