Why the Animation Event is not firing and transform position is returning to original?

I was used to make animations with the old animation system, and now I’m trying this new one, with the animator controller. I’ve already read the documentation and some tutorials, and cant figure out why my animation event is not firing when I set it in the last frame (I’ve tested in the penultimate and previous, and it worked), and why the animated object always return to the original transform position after the animation ends, and not keep the last animation frame values. Can someone help?

My animator is configured like the image: A No Animation default state, which have no animation clip attached, and the BottomBarDown state, with the animation attached. A transition from No Animation to BottomBarDown is set to PlayOnce trigger condition, and the transition from BottomBarDown to No Animation is set to ExitTime condition in 1.00 time.

Event not firing problem may be caused by transition.
Say,you have an AnimationClip A with AnimationEvent attached to last frame.
if the AnimationClip A transfers to another AnimationClip before it plays to the end,then the event will not be triggered.