I used a break point it’'s never get into the OnSceneGUI() or the OnEnable()
I tried to remove the line [CustomEditor(typeof(TileMap))] but it’s not getting to the OnSceneGUI or the OnEnable other script I have also editor in the same editor folder is working.
using System;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
/// <summary>
/// Provides a editor for the <see cref="TileMap"/> component
/// </summary>
public class TileMapEditor : Editor
/// <summary>
/// Holds the location of the mouse hit location
/// </summary>
private Vector3 mouseHitPos;
/// <summary>
/// Lets the Editor handle an event in the scene view.
/// </summary>
private void OnSceneGUI()
// if UpdateHitPosition return true we should update the scene views so that the marker will update in real time
if (this.UpdateHitPosition())
// Calculate the location of the marker based on the location of the mouse
// get a reference to the current event
Event current = Event.current;
// if the mouse is positioned over the layer allow drawing actions to occur
if (this.IsMouseOnLayer())
// if mouse down or mouse drag event occurred
if (current.type == EventType.MouseDown || current.type == EventType.MouseDrag)
if (current.button == 1)
// if right mouse button is pressed then we erase blocks
else if (current.button == 0)
// if left mouse button is pressed then we draw blocks
// draw a UI tip in scene view informing user how to draw & erase tiles
GUI.Label(new Rect(10, Screen.height - 90, 100, 100), "LMB: Draw");
GUI.Label(new Rect(10, Screen.height - 105, 100, 100), "RMB: Erase");
/// <summary>
/// When the <see cref="GameObject"/> is selected set the current tool to the view tool.
/// </summary>
private void OnEnable()
Tools.current = Tool.View;
Tools.viewTool = ViewTool.FPS;
/// <summary>
/// Draws a block at the pre-calculated mouse hit position
/// </summary>
private void Draw()
// get reference to the TileMap component
var map = (TileMap)this.target;
// Calculate the position of the mouse over the tile layer
var tilePos = this.GetTilePositionFromMouseLocation();
// Given the tile position check to see if a tile has already been created at that location
var cube = GameObject.Find(string.Format("Tile_{0}_{1}", tilePos.x, tilePos.y));
// if there is already a tile present and it is not a child of the game object we can just exit.
if (cube != null && cube.transform.parent != map.transform)
// if no game object was found we will create a cube
if (cube == null)
cube = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
// set the cubes position on the tile map
var tilePositionInLocalSpace = new Vector3((tilePos.x * map.TileWidth) + (map.TileWidth / 2), (tilePos.y * map.TileHeight) + (map.TileHeight / 2));
cube.transform.position = map.transform.position + tilePositionInLocalSpace;
// we scale the cube to the tile size defined by the TileMap.TileWidth and TileMap.TileHeight fields
cube.transform.localScale = new Vector3(map.TileWidth, map.TileHeight, 1);
// set the cubes parent to the game object for organizational purposes
cube.transform.parent = map.transform;
// give the cube a name that represents it's location within the tile map
cube.name = string.Format("Tile_{0}_{1}", tilePos.x, tilePos.y);
/// <summary>
/// Erases a block at the pre-calculated mouse hit position
/// </summary>
private void Erase()
// get reference to the TileMap component
var map = (TileMap)this.target;
// Calculate the position of the mouse over the tile layer
var tilePos = this.GetTilePositionFromMouseLocation();
// Given the tile position check to see if a tile has already been created at that location
var cube = GameObject.Find(string.Format("Tile_{0}_{1}", tilePos.x, tilePos.y));
// if a game object was found with the same name and it is a child we just destroy it immediately
if (cube != null && cube.transform.parent == map.transform)
/// <summary>
/// Calculates the location in tile coordinates (Column/Row) of the mouse position
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Returns a <see cref="Vector2"/> type representing the Column and Row where the mouse of positioned over.</returns>
private Vector2 GetTilePositionFromMouseLocation()
// get reference to the tile map component
var map = (TileMap)this.target;
// calculate column and row location from mouse hit location
var pos = new Vector3(this.mouseHitPos.x / map.TileWidth, this.mouseHitPos.y / map.TileHeight, map.transform.position.z);
// round the numbers to the nearest whole number using 5 decimal place precision
pos = new Vector3((int)Math.Round(pos.x, 5, MidpointRounding.ToEven), (int)Math.Round(pos.y, 5, MidpointRounding.ToEven), 0);
// do a check to ensure that the row and column are with the bounds of the tile map
var col = (int)pos.x;
var row = (int)pos.y;
if (row < 0)
row = 0;
if (row > map.Rows - 1)
row = map.Rows - 1;
if (col < 0)
col = 0;
if (col > map.Columns - 1)
col = map.Columns - 1;
// return the column and row values
return new Vector2(col, row);
/// <summary>
/// Returns true or false depending if the mouse is positioned over the tile map.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Will return true if the mouse is positioned over the tile map.</returns>
private bool IsMouseOnLayer()
// get reference to the tile map component
var map = (TileMap)this.target;
// return true or false depending if the mouse is positioned over the map
return this.mouseHitPos.x > 0 && this.mouseHitPos.x < (map.Columns * map.TileWidth) &&
this.mouseHitPos.y > 0 && this.mouseHitPos.y < (map.Rows * map.TileHeight);
/// <summary>
/// Recalculates the position of the marker based on the location of the mouse pointer.
/// </summary>
private void RecalculateMarkerPosition()
// get reference to the tile map component
var map = (TileMap)this.target;
// store the tile location (Column/Row) based on the current location of the mouse pointer
var tilepos = this.GetTilePositionFromMouseLocation();
// store the tile position in world space
var pos = new Vector3(tilepos.x * map.TileWidth, tilepos.y * map.TileHeight, 0);
// set the TileMap.MarkerPosition value
map.MarkerPosition = map.transform.position + new Vector3(pos.x + (map.TileWidth / 2), pos.y + (map.TileHeight / 2), 0);
/// <summary>
/// Calculates the position of the mouse over the tile map in local space coordinates.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Returns true if the mouse is over the tile map.</returns>
private bool UpdateHitPosition()
// get reference to the tile map component
var map = (TileMap)this.target;
// build a plane object that
var p = new Plane(map.transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward), map.transform.position);
// build a ray type from the current mouse position
var ray = HandleUtility.GUIPointToWorldRay(Event.current.mousePosition);
// stores the hit location
var hit = new Vector3();
// stores the distance to the hit location
float dist;
// cast a ray to determine what location it intersects with the plane
if (p.Raycast(ray, out dist))
// the ray hits the plane so we calculate the hit location in world space
hit = ray.origin + (ray.direction.normalized * dist);
// convert the hit location from world space to local space
var value = map.transform.InverseTransformPoint(hit);
// if the value is different then the current mouse hit location set the
// new mouse hit location and return true indicating a successful hit test
if (value != this.mouseHitPos)
this.mouseHitPos = value;
return true;
// return false if the hit test failed
return false;