Why the OnApplicationPause() calls before to Awake() in a same class?

I have the methods OnApplicationPause and Awake in a function, but the onapplicationpause is call before to awake, in my game, no happened that before, in Unity 3.5, just started to exectute like that in unity 4. any idea?

Thanks for your help

FALSE! Awake is called first, infact, it actually picks up the time from the previous run, because Time.realtimeSinceStartup is initialized after Awake (the time from the last run). OnApplicationPause logs 0.0000124 - after Awake.

function OnApplicationPause () {
	Debug.Log("OAP: " + Time.realtimeSinceStartup.ToString());

function Awake () {
	Debug.Log("Awake: " + Time.realtimeSinceStartup.ToString());
