Hi, so I’m relatively new to Unity, and the thing is that by working on projects I’m getting this quite often:
P.D.: That “Acceso denegado.” means “Acces denied.”
This happen randomly when I put save on a script in Monodevelop, and I understand that it tries to move a file but it can’t.
What I did after searching on this is put my projects folders at Desktop, cause I saw that when I put it on Unity Projects on My documents is that I dont have acces at those archives (I mean in the Security tab in Properties of that .dll it says that I dont have permission or something like that). But this (at a minor basis however) still happens with the Project on Desktop.
Anyone with more experience on the engine could give me a hint on this?, cause I frankly have no idea why this happens, and even more why this happen randomly, sometimes I save scripts and this dosn’t happen, and sometimes does… S:
Anyway thanks in advance.