Why this script runs only one time?

Hey guys, I found a good Text Type Writer script but it run only one time! I mean if I Deactive/Active game object (Which this script is on) it doesn’t work again! Can someone help me please?

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Text;
using System;

public class UITextTypeWriter : MonoBehaviour
    public Text text;
    public bool playOnAwake = true;
    public float delayToStart;
    public float delayBetweenChars = 0.01f;
    public float delayAfterPunctuation = 0.025f;

    private string story;
    private float originDelayBetweenChars;
    private bool lastCharPunctuation = false;
    private char charComma;
    private char charPeriod;

    void Awake()
        text = GetComponent<Text>();
        originDelayBetweenChars = delayBetweenChars;

        charComma = Convert.ToChar(44);
        charPeriod = Convert.ToChar(46);

        if (playOnAwake)
            ChangeText(text.text, delayToStart);

    //Update text and start typewriter effect
    public void ChangeText(string textContent, float delayBetweenChars = 0f)
        StopCoroutine(PlayText()); //stop Coroutime if exist
        story = textContent;
        text.text = ""; //clean text
        Invoke("Start_PlayText", delayBetweenChars); //Invoke effect

    void Start_PlayText()

    IEnumerator PlayText()

        foreach (char c in story)
            delayBetweenChars = originDelayBetweenChars;

            if (lastCharPunctuation)  //If previous character was a comma/period, pause typing
                yield return new WaitForSeconds(delayBetweenChars = delayAfterPunctuation);
                lastCharPunctuation = false;

            if (c == charComma || c == charPeriod)
                lastCharPunctuation = true;

            text.text += c;
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(delayBetweenChars);

I haven’t tested this, so this is a just a suggestion:

First, remove the following from Awake():

         if (playOnAwake)
             ChangeText(text.text, delayToStart);

…and then add an OnEnable() with the code you removed above:

         if (playOnAwake)
             ChangeText(text.text, delayToStart);

Since I haven’t tested it, I might be missing something. Let me know how it works.