Why Unity 6 keep compilie everytime?

Hi there!

Finally I using Unity 6 from 2022LTS and I see nothing specials…
But when I had edited some C# code the Unity awlays re-compile so long!
I don’t know why this version start doing this everytime?

and I already set Do not reload domain and scene in Project Settings > Editor already, But nothing change… my PC quite very fast with i9 maximum spect!

I just want to tell you guy,

the Unity used to be good before since 2022LTS, yes it very old…
But then now it very bad, I feel dispointed so much!

Actually I love Unity so much! since I was start create game or Asset on Asset Store about 10 years ago, But now…

that why I start unity Unity6 becaused I want to re create all things new!

But this is what I have…

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Unity has always had to reload domain whenever you change any C# code. That hasn’t changed.

And it won’t change until the major CoreCLR update to Unity that has been in the pipes for several years now eventually lands in some future Unity version.

The usual advice applies otherwise. The main two being: Uninstall unnecessary packages and use assembly definitions. Maybe use the Hot Reload plugin, though it has numerous caveats.

If you mean these:

These only affect the domain reload when entering play mode. They don’t prevent domain reload when changing code.

EDIT: You can also turn off auto asset refresh, so Unity will only initiate a domain reload after editing code when you specifically hit CRTL-R by default:

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Thank you very much for your replyed

I mean this…

That’s the same thing… It only prevents a domain reload when entering playmode.

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