Why Unity not import .so file to my apk

Hello eyeryone,

Sorry for my bad English.

I tried to write an unity plug-in for android, then I put .jar file in the

  • Assets\Plugins\Android\

and put .so files in

  • Assets\Plugins\Android\libs\armeabi-v7a\

Finally I build my program to an apk file.
I check the apk file. The .so files are not in apk file.

Why unity not auto add .so file in the apk?

I have the same problem.
I try to export google android project and reput the .so file in jniLibs Folder,and then build the app,when setup on my mobile, the app flash and quit…but it run normally in the Virtual Devices…i will keep working to deal with this problem…hope this can help you~