Why will this timer not count down?

hello I cant figure why it wont count down it keeps debugging it saying timer at 70
i call this script from a different script and tell it to run the function reset
and set howMany to a certain int same with timeAmount.

#pragma strict

var howMany : int;
var theMain : GameObject;
var timeAmount : int;
var myTimer :int = 0;

function Update () {

if(myTimer >= 0){
		myTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
		Debug.Log("timer "+ myTimer);

			if(myTimer < 0){
			Debug.Log("timer finish");
			//	Result ();
			if (howMany > 0)
			howMany -= 1;
			Reset ();

function Reset () {
myTimer = timeAmount;

The problem I think lies in line 9, you are substracting Time.deltaTime (which is a very very small float number) to an integer. Since myTimer is declared as int the value you are substracting gets rounded down before the operation, something like:
70 - 0.0005 turns into 70 - 0;
To fix this simply change line 3 to “var myTimer : float = 0.0”