Why won't Bloom work (when all the other post processing overrides do)?

While all the other post processing overrides display, bloom will not. I cannot figure out what’s misplaced. It’s a URP project with Cinemachine. Post Processing package is not installed.

Post Processing is enabled on the main camera…

And on Cinemachine.

Bloom’s cranked way up in the global volume, just to feel SOMETHING.

HDR is enabled in URP asset.

Post processing is enabled in renderer.

Again, all post processing effects appear in both Scene and Game view- except for bloom. I’ve seen a few suggestions to turn on Cinemachine post processing or volume, but those extensions are not available in the inspector. Any thoughts? Is it a curse? Did Unity sense I want to abuse bloom on level of a mid 2000s dev and revoke my privileges?

Found it! Pumping up bloom to “feel something” was the issue. It needs to be a decimal value.

To clarify, it looks like you were pumping up the “threshold” which is the opposite of pumping up the bloom. A threshold of 0.87 means "don’t use any bloom unless the light is Brighter than 0.87, so the higher the threshold, the less bloom you’ll see.

The reason the slider allows you to go above 1 (maximum brightness) is because you can choose to use HDR rendering. In HDR rendering, the light can be higher than 1.

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As an aside, why do you have a Camera component on the Cinemachine camera? Normally that should not be there, as the CM camera drives the camera with the CM Brain on it (in this case that’s main camera).