So I’m trying to combine pixel art with lighting via a toon shader. The way I’m doing this involves making 3D models, animating them, and exporting them as sprite sheets (While doing the same with the normal maps for each frame). I managed to get this lighting working with an animation, which is great. I then used the exact same animation with PowerSprite animator (which has a Run() method used to directly run an animation on a SpriteRenderer). For some reason, it doesn’t work when the animation is directly run on the SpriteRenderer. I think this is due to the absence of an animator, which Unity generated automatically for the animation that was dragged into the editor. This means that Unity refuses to render normal maps on animated 2D sprites unless you use their animator system.
Does anyone know what might be causing this, and what solutions can be used?
As you can see, the one on the left has shading while the one on the right does not, even though they are the exact same animation.
Here’s a picture of the normal Unity animation’s inspector:
Here’s a picture of the PowerSprite animation’s inspector (Click Here)