Why won't my car steer?

Hello guys! I can’t make my car steer. On the computer it runs ok with those Input.GetAxis, but I can’t make it work on the android device. What should I change in this code to make it run on phone? Also what is a substitute for Input.GetAxis for android, because it doesn’t seem to be working on phone.
Thanks in advance!

    var maxTorque : float = 200;   
    var speed:float=3;    
    var GasTouch : int = 0;
    var Steer : int = 0; 

    var BackLeft : WheelCollider;
    var BackRight : WheelCollider;
    var FrontLeft : WheelCollider;
    var FrontRight : WheelCollider;
    var LeftButton : GUITexture;
    var RightButton : GUITexture;
    var GasButton : GUITexture;
    var Joystick : GUITexture;
    function Awake()
    {	Joystick = GameObject.Find("Joystick").guiTexture;
    	LeftButton = GameObject.Find("LeftButton").guiTexture;
    	RightButton = GameObject.Find("RightButton").guiTexture;
    	GasButton = GameObject.Find("GasButton").guiTexture;
    function Update()
    BackLeft.motorTorque=-maxTorque * Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
    BackRight.motorTorque=maxTorque * Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
    //FrontLeft.steerAngle=20 * Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
   // FrontRight.steerAngle=20 * Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
     for (var touch : Touch in Input.touches)
    	if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Stationary && GasButton.HitTest (touch.position)) 	{
    		GasTouch = 1;
    	else if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Ended && GasButton.HitTest) {
    		GasTouch = 0;
    	if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Stationary && LeftButton.HitTest (touch.position)) 	{
    	Steer = -1;
    	FrontLeft.steerAngle = -15.0;
    	FrontRight.steerAngle = -15.0;
    	else if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Ended && LeftButton.HitTest){
    	Steer = 0;
    	FrontLeft.steerAngle = 0;
    	FrontRight.steerAngle = 0;
    	if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Stationary && RightButton.HitTest (touch.position)) {
    	Steer = 1;
    	FrontLeft.steerAngle = 15.0;
    	FrontRight.steerAngle = 15.0;
    	else if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Ended && RightButton.HitTest){
    	Steer = 0;
    	FrontLeft.steerAngle = 0;
    	FrontRight.steerAngle = 0;


This one link will answer all your questions:

Hope this helps,