Why won't my Ray initialization work??

I am using a Raycast from my mouse position to select an object in 3d space but my code is coming up with error NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object CameraControl.CameraSelect () (at Assets/Scripts/CameraControl.cs:32)

here is my code

	void CameraSelect() {		
		RaycastHit rayHit;
			Ray ray = Camera.current.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
			if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out rayHit,9999)){
				curCam.enabled = false;			
				tarCam = rayHit.transform.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren< Camera >();
				tarCam.enabled = true;

it seems that my ray initialization is giving me the error, that is line 32, but from what i can tell my code is correct? please help

the error is on line 5 of the code snippet

Your Ray initialization itself is correct.

The problem comes from the use of Camera.current which only has a value in the OnRenderImage, OnPreRender and OnPostRender events, because it references the currently rendering camera. Outside of those events you would want to use Camera.main instead (referencing the camera tagged “MainCamera”), or reference the camera you want to use yourself through a public camera variable.

Hi this is how you create a ray
public Ray ray = new Ray(transform.position, transform.forward);

So in your case
public Ray ray = new Ray(Input.mousePosition , target position);