Why wont the closed bool turn off?

Why won’t the "Closed" bool turn off?

I have tried putting door.SetBool("Closed", false) In Start AND Awake I but its just not listening I prefer to use OnTriggerEnter with these things so I don’t know if the script is just outdated but I’ve been struggling with this please help.

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

using UnityEngine;

public class Doors : MonoBehaviour
    public Animator door;
    public GameObject crosshair;
    public bool inReach;

    void DoorOpens ()
        Debug.Log("It Opens");
        door.SetBool("Opened" , true);

    void DoorCloses ()
        Debug.Log("It Closes");
        door.SetBool("Closed" , true);

    void Start ()
        inReach = false;

    void OnTriggerEnter ( Collider other )
        if( other.gameObject.tag == "Reach" )
            inReach = true;

    void OnTriggerExit ( Collider other )
        if( other.gameObject.tag == "Reach" )
            inReach = false;

    void Update ()
        if( inReach && Input.GetMouseButton(0) )



Debug.Log(“It Closes”);
door.SetBool(“Closed”, true);

You have to add another part that sets the “Opened” Parameter to false. Like this.

void DoorCloses()
Debug.Log(“It Closes”);
door.SetBool(“Closed”, true);
//Right Here 🔽
door.SetBool("Opened", false);

And add another part that sets the “Closed” Parameter to false.

void DoorOpens ()
Debug.Log(“It Opens”);
door.SetBool(“Opened”, true);
//Right Here 🔽
door.SetBool("Closed", false);

Does Debug.Log("It Opens"); run?