Why would MeshRenderer.material and MeshRenderer.sharedMaterial return two different inastance?

I found that MeshRenderer.material and MeshRenderer.sharedMaterial property could return two different instances if I get sharedmaterial property before get material property。 The code below displays “sharedMaterial:22992”,“material:-849632”


But if I get material property first I will get exactly same instance。
This is quite wired 'cause that despite two material instances is created, only one material is actually used for rendering, and it seems the material instance returned by material property is actually used, while the instance returned by sharedMaterial is no use but to cause other problems。
Is it designed to work like this?

You should refer to the third sentence in the documentation:

And compare and contrast it to this:

When in doubt, always start with the docs.

Thx kurt, I Just ignored that line about material! So the renderer will use sharedMaterial by default, and once a new material is instantiated, the renderer will use this instance from now on, am I right?